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A Novel Method for Evaluating Gene Expression in a Non-model Organism

Nico Cunningham

An Evaluation of the CLAS Standards as a Catalyst for Prevention Learning Collaborative

Noel Rozic

Analyzing the Triadic Relationship Between Environmental Health, Social Determinants, and Appalachian Decision-Making

Austin Mahr

ApoA4 Improves Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease

Zachary LaRussa

Assessing Neurocognitive Functions in muscle-specific FSP27 transgenic mice.

Connor Aleshire

Characterizing the Behavior of Caenorhabditis elegans in Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors

Riley Becker

Corrosive Biofilms and the Mechanism Behind Their Corrosivity Causing Structural and Economical Consequences

Adnan Khan

Decoding Infectious Disease in Appalachian Ohio

Gabriel Morgan

Effect of high glucose on inflammatory functions of RAW 264.7 murine macrophages in vitro

Grace Matocha

Effects of Social Isolation on the Aggression of Male Xiphophorus multilineatus

Caden Beegan

Effects of TadA on The Virulence of Staphylococcus aureus

Jacob Hensley

Engineered Bacteria as a Delivery Vehicle for Therapeutic Payloads

Mara Kessler

Evaluating the Impact of VR in Enhancing Patient Care and Increasing Knowledge of Chemotherapy

Sam Scott

Fecal Findings: Exploring Environmental Drivers of Mesopredators' Diet

Mohit Poudel

Flu Season: A Comparative Analysis of Influenza Antigen Testing and Wastewater Surveillance Data

Mia Provenzano

Habitat for Humanity Student Chapter Impact Report

Sam McAvoy

Hemolytic Effects of Overexpressing a Small RNA in Staphylococcus aureus

Octavia Hogue

Identification of sRNA targets in Staphylococcus aureus

Julia Tennant

Invasions in a warming world: exploring the relationship between climate change and invasions' intensity.

Alexis Medley

Investigating Niche Differentiation of Small Mammals Across Elevational Zones in the Andes

Keegan Webb

Investigating the Individual Roles of Phenol-Soluble Modulin Toxins (PSMs) in S. aureus

Emily Sudnick

Investigating the Role of RNA and hemolysis in an alpha-PSM Staphylococcus aureus mutant.

Jayanna Smith

Lead concentrations in human, bovine, and caprine milk in southeast Ohio

Kana Wisniewski

Loss of CEACAM1 in hepatocytes causes hepatic fibrosis

Maria Benitez Iglesias

Mechanisms of Extracellular ATP Induced Senescence in Human Lung Cancer Cells

Ryan Ward

Modeling Hyolingual Musculature of Anolis using Avizo XFiber

Jacob George

Monkeying Around with Bacterial Colony Morphology and Biofilms of a Rhesus Macaque Isolate.

Jacob Thompson

Movement Ecology of Henslow's Sparrows (Centronyx henslowii)

Gabriella Lindsey

New information on the skull and craniofacial pathology of Allosaurus (Dinosauria: Theropoda) specimen based on new CT scanning

Peter Rhynard

Osteohistology of the Theropod Dinosaur Ceratosaurus

Riley Sombathy

Overwinter Habitat Patch Use, Survival, and Movement Ecology of Slate-colored Juncos, Junco hyemalis

Jacob Morgan

Phenological Study of Macroinvertebrate Species in Restored Wetlands

Maggie Lacey

Potential of a probiotic lactic acid bacteria for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19

Claire Smith

Preliminary morphological comparisons of a new species of Andean mice (Cricetidae: Thomasomys)

Andrew Pagan

Reducing glycolysis uniquely maintains normal islet function in chronic hyperglycemic conditions

Brian List

SSEP: Investigating the Effectiveness of Bacteriophage-Mediated Biofilm Clearing In A Microgravity Environment

Maranda Stricklin

Temperature dependent gene regulation in Staphylococcus aureus

Zoe Wilfing

The FarAB efflux pump in Neisseria musculi contributes resistance to free fatty acid and biofilm formation.


The Fate of Microplastics on Freshwater Invertebrates

Makenna Koogler

The Impact of Climate Change on Vector Born Diseases Demonstrated through Chagas

Jess Mitchell

The Need for Seed: Patterns of Bird Feeder Use by Slate-colored Juncos (Junco hyemalis)

Olive Stringer

The Responsiveness of Tyramine Receptors in Caenorhabditis elegans when Matured without Monoamines

Riley Bunstine

Transfer of microplastics from one trophic level vs two in a freshwater food web

Mohsin Khan

Under pressure: anatomical clues suggesting physiological adaptation to the hydrostatic pressures of deep diving in phocid seals

Grace Vance

What chemosensory cues do Chironomid midge larvae use for evaluating food resources of differing qualities?

Brittney Sargent

Window Pain: A Survey of Avian Window Collisions on Ohio University's Athens Campus

Elena Delach

Zoo Escapees Gone Wild: assessing the population structure of invasive hippos using scat samples

Prothama Manna