The Online Journal of Space Communication | Vol 5 | Iss 9

Online Journal of Space Communication

Global Navigation Satellite System (Winter 2006)

General Editor Introduction

The distinguished Guest Editors of this issue are both scholars. Dr. Paul Bobrowski is Dean of the College of Business at Auburn University in Alabama. Dr. Qishan Zhang is the chief scientist of the School of Electronic and Information Engineering at Beihang University in China.

Our Guest Editors were each on the forefront of early developments in satellite navigation. Dr. Bobrowski was a member of the U.S. Air force engineering management team that designed and launched the original geo-positioning (GPS) satellite system. Dr. Zhang has written 6 books and more than 150 scientific papers on such topics as satellite telemetry, remote control and the Global Positioning System. Equally important, he has taught an entire generation of young scientists and engineers that are active in the global space and satellite industry today. These two are well qualified to bring to the Journal this special issue on Global Navigation Satellite System.

Much credit is due to Randy Johnson of the College of Business at Auburn University, for it was Dr. Johnson's idea that the Journal should focus on satellite navigation. And it was Randy Johnson who convinced the two space experts to serve as Guest Editors. Randy saw to it that the eight contributions from China were translated and got through the peer-review process in a timely fashion. Acknowledgements must be given to Yujie Zhang, Fei Xie, David Bevly, and Joe Hanna who served in the important role of reviewers.

Also, thanks are due to The Institute of Navigation ( for they generously gave the Journal permission to use, with consent of their authors, important papers related to global satellite navigation presented at the 2005 ION conference.

For researchers and authors, please note that the window of opportunity for publication is still open. Relaxing the constraints of deadlines is one of the wonderful advantages of an Online Journal, that content of some greater breadth and depth can be added even after the substantial body of content of that particular issue is already up for public viewing. If you have a papers or perspective that you would like to submit for consideration, you may contact the Associate Editor of Issue No. 9:


Randy Johnson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Aviation Management and Logistics
Auburn University
Tel: +1 334 844 6822

Or send your communication directly to the Editor:

Don M. Flournoy, Professor of Telecommunications
General Editor, Online Journal of Space Communication
School of Media Arts and Studies
Scripps College of Communication
Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701
Tel: +1 740 593 4866
Fax: +1 740 593 9184

Front Matter


Issue 9: From the Guest Editors
Paul Bobrowski and Qishan Zhang



Operating EGNOS
Ashley W. Lyon, Jon Westbrook, and Umberto Guida


Next Generation Differential GPS Architecture
A. Cleveland, D. Wolfe, M. Parsons, B. Remondi, K. Ferguson, and M. Albright


Polar Air Traffic Control
Israel Greenfeld and Ron Sicker


NAVIO - A Navigation Service for Pedestrains
Günther Retscher and Michael Thienelt


The Possibility of Precise Positioning in the Urban Area
Nobuaki Kubo, Ryosuke Shibasaki, and Akio Yasuda


Deflection Monitoring of the Forth Road Bridge by GPS
Gethin Wyn Roberts, Chris Brown, and Xiaolin Meng


Intelligent In-Vehicle Device Based on ARM-Linux Techniques
Xiaoqing Yue, Qishan Zhang, and Qing Chang


Helicopter Ship Board Landing System
Tom Ford, Mark Hardesty, and Mike Bobye


The GIANT Project
Luis Chocano, Javier Pérez, and Miguel Aguilera


Range-Extended Post-Processing Kinematic (PPK) in a Marine Environment
Marcelo Santos, Felipe Nievinski, Karen Cove, Robert Kingdon, and Dave Wells


Galileo in Maritime Applications
Stig Erik Christiansen, John Klepsvik, Michael Fairbanks, Alan Grant, Nick Ward, and Marko Jandrisits


Geosynchronous Satellite Use of GPS
Jennifer L. Ruiz and Charles H. Frey


Sea Surface Wave Information Using GPS Sea Reflected Signal - Wave Height
Shigeyuki Okuda, Yasuo Arai, and Nobuyoshi Kouguchi


Receiver Performance for an Enhanced DGPS Data Channel
Gregory Johnson, Michael Kuhn, Peter F. Swaszek, Richard Hartnett, and Per Enge

Critical Perspectives


New U.S. GPS Policy From a European Perspective
Martin U. Ripple and Alexis Vidal



Issue 9: Contributors
D. Flournoy and Randall Johnson