The Online Journal of Space Communication | Vol 3 | Iss 6

Online Journal of Space Communication

Satellite Security (Winter 2004)

General Editor Introduction

The protection of satellite assets is much on the minds of users, including commercial as well as government and military sectors that depend upon these assets for communication. This issue of the Journal focuses on the specific threats that could potentially impair space-to-earth communications.

The nature of the vulnerabilities within space-based communication systems are described. Policies and practices that could help to insure reliable communication and keep these assets and their signals safe and secure are suggested.

The Online Journal of Space Communication aspires to be a collection point for information about Satellite Security. We encourage scholarly and professional contributions from those with information and knowledge to share.

If you have a research report, a conference presentation, an analytical article that should be added to give breadth or depth or perspective to this discussion, you are welcome to send a brief abstract to our Guest Editor for this issue.


Kathleen Sweet, M.A., J.D., Lt. Col (Ret) USAF
Associate Professor
Department of Security, Intelligence and Globalization
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
2300 Willow Creek Road
Prescott, Arizona 86301-3720
Tel: +1 928 445 5173

Or send your communication directly to the Editor:

Don M. Flournoy, Professor of Telecommunications
General Editor, Online Journal of Space Communication
School of Media Arts and Studies
Scripps College of Communication
Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701
Tel: +1 740 593 4866
Fax: +1 740 593 9184

Front Matter


Critical Perspectives