The Online Journal of Space Communication | Vol 2 | Iss 5

Online Journal of Space Communication

Satellites Address the Digital Divide (Fall 2003)


The fifth Issue of the Online Journal of Space Communication examines the ways in which Satellites can help address the Digital Divide.

The Digital Divide has emerged as a topic of economic, social and political concern in all societies. This topic is highlighted in this special issue of the Online Journal of Space Communication because of its timeliness and importance.

When viewed from an international perspective, narrow definitions of what is the Digital Divide and the role technology can play in its solution take on new meaning. This excellent collection of case studies, personal reports and analysis from around the world takes Digital Divide research and reporting to new levels, with interesting solutions proposed.

Bruce Elbert, the Guest Editor for this Issue, is well qualified to tackle such a complex project. Bruce is a former Hughes Senior V.P. who spent a career helping launch satellite systems around the world. He is now a widely sought after applications consultant to global satellite providers. Bruce Elbert is the author of several books, including the very readable Introduction To Satellite Communication (Artech House, 1999) and an active member of the Society of Satellite Professionals International (SSPI).

If, after viewing the contents of this Issue, you find that you also have relevant experience, research or perspectives to share on Satellites and the Digital Divide, please do so by sending an email to the Guest Editor at the following address:

Bruce R. Elbert, President
Application Technology Strategy, Inc.
3202 Cove Creek Court
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
Tel: +1 805 531-9692
Fax: +1 805 531-9692

Or send your communication directly to the Editor:

Don M. Flournoy, Professor of Telecommunications
General Editor, Online Journal of Space Communication
School of Media Arts and Studies
Scripps College of Communication
Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701
Tel: +1 740 593 4866
Fax: +1 740 593 9184

Front Matter


Critical Perspectives
