Online Journal of Space Communication
International SunSat Design Competitions (Fall 2013 / Summer 2016)
SunSat Design Competition Winners:
Issue No.18 highlights the work of the eight finalist teams who were top winners in the 2013-2014, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 International SunSat Design Competitions.
The purpose of these Competitions has been to accelerate the design, manufacture, launch and operation of a system of SunSats (power satellites) capable of collecting energy in space and delivering it to Earth as a source of clean and renewable electricity.
This Ohio University-managed Competition has successfully linked global scientific communities with university-based (and other) digital media labs for the purpose of better explaining Space Solar Power (SSP), so that this technology and its many earth-energy applications will be better understood by governments, industry and the general public.
The Competition is an initiative of this Online Journal of Space Communication in partnership with the National Space Society and the Society of Satellite Professionals International and the Ohio University Game Research and Immersive Design (GRID) Laboratory. Space Canada provided the cash prizes in the most recent (2015-2016) round, and will do so again in 2016-2017.
A distinguished panel of space scientists, engineers and professionals, representing both the NSS and SSPI, evaluated all submissions and selected our finalists. Based on the design team presentations at International Space Development Conferences in May 2014 (Los Angeles), May 2015 (Toronto) and May 2016 (San Juan), those finalists were ranked. 1st Place prizes have been $10,000, 2nd Place $7,500 and 3rd Place: $5,000.
Don M. Flournoy, Professor of Telecommunications
General Editor, Online Journal of Space Communication
SSP Center of Excellence,
Scripps College of Communication
Regents Center of Excellence,
Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701
Tel: +1 740 593 4866
SunSat Design Competition 2013-2014 First Place Winner – Team Rajiv Gandhi University: HelioAstra
Akhil Raj Kumar Kalapala and Krishna Bhavana Sivaraju
SunSat Design Competition 2013-2014 Second Place Winner – Team Solar Maximum LLC: Sun-Synchronous Orbits
Danny R. Jones and Anna Nesterova
SunSat Design Competition 2013-2014 Third Place Winner – Team University of North Dakota: Nano SSP Satellite
Corey Bergsrud, Robert Bernaciak, Ben Kading, John McClure, Jeremy Straub, Subin Shahukhal, and Karl Williams
SunSat Design Competition 2014-2015 First Place Winner – Team CAST: Multi-Rotary Joints SPS
Xinbin Hou, Meng Li, Lili Niu, Lu Zhou, Ying Chen, Zhengai Cheng, and Haipeng Ji
SunSat Design Competition 2014-2015 Second Place Winner – Team SunFlower: Thermal Power Satellite
Keith Henson, Steve Nixon, Kris Holland, and Anna Nesterova
SunSat Design Competition 2014-2015 Third Place Winner – Team Martian: Space Solar Power Test Bed
Jeremy Straub, Tristan Plante, Benjamin Kading, Alex Holland, Landon Klein, and Jordan Forbord
SunSat Design Competition 2015-2016 First Place Winner – Team Space Transport: Power Satellites Beamed Energy Bootstrapping
Keith Henson and Anna Nesterova
SunSat Design Competition 2015-2016 Second Place Winner – Team Pathway to Power : Wireless Power Transfer
Javier Tandazo, Ethan Wong, Curtis Waggoner, John Guggenheim, and Alexander Carter
Issue 18: Contributors
Don Flournoy