The Online Journal of Space Communication | Vol 1 | Iss 1

Online Journal of Space Communication

Education and Training (Winter 2002)

Editor Introduction

The first issue of the Online Journal of Space Communication focuses on Education and Training: Curriculum and Resource Development for the 21st Century.

This issue features a Database of Academic Institutions, research centers and professional associations around the world that do research and teach content and skills relating to satellite and space communication. This is a first-of-its-kind database in that specific degree programs, individual courses and program heads as well as instructional faculty are identified. If you and your program are not listed, send the relevant information to the editor. We will add it.

This issue presents Model Curricula. The varied approaches being taken in the education and training of next-generation professionals in satellite and space communication are highlighted. Examples are drawn from Associate, Baccalaureate, Masters and Ph.D. Programs in a range of academic disciplines, as well as short courses and continuing education programs. If you have a model course or program of study to recommend, write it up for the editor. We will include it.

This issue hosts Critical Perspectives. Feature articles, and thoughtful editorial commentary are presented on the topic of Education and Training from both the scholarly and the professional side. These perspectives are intended to frame the debate and set the agenda for discussion about what's right and what's wrong with current approaches to education and training in space/ satellite disciplines. Note the March 27, 2003 National Workshop on Space Education and White Paper.

Front Matter


Research Reports


White Paper Report: Needs in Space Education for the 21st Century—Research, Higher Education, Training and Public Policy
Randall Johnson, Joseph Pelton, Henry Hertzfeld, Don Flournoy, and Hussein J. Hussein

Critical Perspectives