Psychological Effects of Solitary Confinement in Society through Albert Woodfox

Presenter Information

Charlotte Lundgren


In the book Solitary, written by Albert Woodfox, there is a discussion of his mental health while he endures 40 years of solitary confinement. Throughout time, there has been the question of whether solitary confinement is humane, if it makes sense, or if it is harmful to the brain and body. Albert Woodfox is just one of the men that has spoken out in social science today about his struggles on solitary confinement. Today I will be connecting the words of Albert Woodfox and his own personal experience with the psychological effects of solitary confinement in society. I believe that Woodfox’s experience in Solitary will support the research found on my topic of the psychological effects of solitary confinement.


Sociology, Mental health, Equality, Solitude




Sociology and Anthropology


College of Arts and Sciences



Faculty Mentor

Kaufman, Nicole

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Psychological Effects of Solitary Confinement in Society through Albert Woodfox

In the book Solitary, written by Albert Woodfox, there is a discussion of his mental health while he endures 40 years of solitary confinement. Throughout time, there has been the question of whether solitary confinement is humane, if it makes sense, or if it is harmful to the brain and body. Albert Woodfox is just one of the men that has spoken out in social science today about his struggles on solitary confinement. Today I will be connecting the words of Albert Woodfox and his own personal experience with the psychological effects of solitary confinement in society. I believe that Woodfox’s experience in Solitary will support the research found on my topic of the psychological effects of solitary confinement.