OHIO Open Library - Student Research and Creative Activity Expo: Exploring the Stories of Climate Change Impact on the Livelihood, Health and Well-being of the Coastal Community of Conakry Dee

Exploring the Stories of Climate Change Impact on the Livelihood, Health and Well-being of the Coastal Community of Conakry Dee

Presenter Information

Usman Bah


Over the past years, Sierra Leone has been experiencing extreme weather events. In all of these, the country’s coastal communities which are highly dependent on natural resources that are sensitive to climate variability have been the most affected due to sea level rise and their low socio-economic status. This study explores the stories of climate change's impact on the livelihood, health and wellbeing of Conakry Dee community and to generate community-led action that can inform new intervention policies in changing the lives of coastal communities in positive ways.


Climate Change, impact on livelihood, health and wellbeing, coastal communities, Communication and Development Studies




Communication and Development Studies


Scripps College of Communication



Faculty Mentor

Pant, Saumya

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Exploring the Stories of Climate Change Impact on the Livelihood, Health and Well-being of the Coastal Community of Conakry Dee

Over the past years, Sierra Leone has been experiencing extreme weather events. In all of these, the country’s coastal communities which are highly dependent on natural resources that are sensitive to climate variability have been the most affected due to sea level rise and their low socio-economic status. This study explores the stories of climate change's impact on the livelihood, health and wellbeing of Conakry Dee community and to generate community-led action that can inform new intervention policies in changing the lives of coastal communities in positive ways.