OHIO Open Library - Student Research and Creative Activity Expo: Influence of inhibitor concentrations and carbon steel microstrucutres on inhibitor adsorption mechanism investigated by atomic


Organic surfactant-type corrosion inhibitors are widely applied in the oil and gas industry considering their high efficiency at low ppm concentrations. The investigation of organic inhibitor adsorption and inhibition mechanisms on carbon steel has been l


corrosion inhibitors, quaternary ammonium, carbon steel, electrochemical atomic force microscopy, CO2 corrosion, molecular simulations




Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


Russ College of Engineering and Technology



Faculty Mentor

Nesic, Srdjan



Influence of inhibitor concentrations and carbon steel microstrucutres on inhibitor adsorption mechanism investigated by atomic

Organic surfactant-type corrosion inhibitors are widely applied in the oil and gas industry considering their high efficiency at low ppm concentrations. The investigation of organic inhibitor adsorption and inhibition mechanisms on carbon steel has been l


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