Recreation, Sport Pedagogy, and Consumer Sciences Open Access Publications | Recreation, Sport Pedagogy, and Consumer Sciences | Ohio University
An ever-growing collection of records linking to open access articles and conference papers authored by members of the Recreation, Sport Pedagogy, and Consumer Science department.


Submissions from 2022


Re-visiting systematic observation: A pedagogical tool to support coach learning and development, Ed Cope, Christopher J. Cushion, Stephen Harvey, and Mark Partington

Submissions from 2021


The effect of contextual variables on the attacking style of play in professional soccer, Joaquín González-Ródenas, Rafael Aranda, and Rodrigo Aranda-Malaves


The Differential Impact of Mystery in Nature on Attention: An Oculometric Study, Alexandre Marois, Brooke Charbonneau, Andrew M. Szolosi, and Jason M. Watson


Understanding the effect of information sources on college students’ recycling/reuse behavior towards clothing and textile products, Mijeong Noh

Submissions from 2020


Teaching basketball to sampling-year athletes: A game-centered and situated learning perspective, Aspasia Dania and Stephen Harvey


Playing tactics, contextual variables and offensive effectiveness in English Premier League soccer matches. A multilevel analysis, Joaquín González-Rodenas, Rodrigo Aranda-Malaves, Andrés Tudela-Desantes, Félix Nieto, Ferran Usó, and Rafael Aranda


Technical, tactical and spatial indicators related to goal scoring in European elite soccer, Joaquin González-Ródenas, Ignacio López-Bondia, Rodrigo Aranda-Malavés, Andrés Tudela Desantes, Enrique Sanz-Ramírez, and Rafael Aranda Malaves


Effects of teaching games for understanding on tactical knowledge development in middle school physical education, Stephen Harvey, Alexander Gil-Arias, and Fernando Claver


Unifying yet dividing: voices of pussyhat maker–wearers who participated in the 2017 Women’s Marches, Nancy L. Malcom, Addie K. Martindale, V. Ann Paulins, Julie L. Hillery, and Alexandra Howell


Effective communication strategies of sustainable hospitality: A qualitative exploration, Leiyan Shen, Jianwei Qian, and Sandy C. Chen


Exploring the inclusive praxis of outward bound instructors, Robert P. Warner, Bruce Martin, and Andrew M. Szolosi

Submissions from 2019


"REOFUT" as an observation tool for tactical analysis on offensive performance in soccer: Mixed method perspective, Rafael Aranda, Joaquín González-Ródenas, Ignacio López-Bondia, Rodrigo Aranda-Malavés, Andrés Tudela-Desantes, and M. Teresa Anguera


Effect of Match Location, Team Ranking, Match Status and Tactical Dimensions on the Offensive Performance in Spanish ‘La Liga’ Soccer Matches, Joaquín González-Rodenas, Rodrigo Aranda-Malavés, Andres Tudela-Desantes, Ferran Calabuig Moreno, Claudio A. Casal, and Rafael Aranda


Health and physical education teacher education 2.0: Pre-service teachers' perceptions on developing digital twitter skills, Brendon Hyndman and Stephen Harvey


A Narrative Review of Children's Movement Competence Research 1997-2017, Shane Pill and Stephen Harvey

Submissions from 2018


Wilderness First Responder: Are Skills Soon Forgotten?, Alexandra L. Rhue and Beth VanDerveer