Adleta Type Shop and Bindery Masterlist
Megan McCormick
Over 300 typefaces, including
Caslon, Garamond, Goudy, Palatino, Bookman, Century Schoolbook, Cheltenham, Bodoni, Stymie, 20th Century, Gothic, Spartan, etc.
Typeface designers include
William Caslon I; American Type Founders and William Caslon I; Claude Garamond; Frederic Goudy; Morris Fuller Benton; Hermann Zapf; American Type Founders; Linn Boyd and Morris Fuller Benton; Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue; Ingalls Kimball; Joseph W. Phinney; Giambattista Bodoni; Freeman Claw; Barnhart Brothers & Spindler; Sol Hess; Lucian Bernhard; Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann; Walter Huxley; Warren Chappell; Adrian Frutiger; Peter Dom; Tommy Thompson; Robert E. Smith; Max R. Kaufmann; William T. Sniffi
Foundries include
American Type Foundry; Barnhart Brothers & Spindler; Lanston Monotype; Baltimore Type Foundry (Baltotype); Haas Type Foundry; Mergenthaler Linotype, American Type Foundry; Mergenthaler Linotype Company, Deberny & Peignot
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