Faculty Senate is an elected representative body that advocates for Ohio University faculty on matters of curriculum, academic policies, University planning, resource allocation, and governance.

As a key partner in University governance, the Senate provides representatives to all relevant University committees, boards, and task forces. The Faculty Senate provides a forum for the Ohio University faculty to participate in discussions regarding their concerns.

See also: Faculty Senate Agendas
See also: Faculty Senate Minutes


Submissions from 2024


February 12, 2024 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution to Expand Definition of Excused Absences, Angela Brock


May 6, 2024 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution for the Adoption of an Academic Fresh Start Policy, Angela Brock


May 6, 2024 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution for the Implementation of a Minimum Grade Point Average Policy for Ohio University Coursework, Angela Brock


May 6, 2024 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution for the Implementation of an Academic Forgiveness Policy at Ohio University, Angela Brock


May 6, 2024 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution in Support of the Establishment of a Bereavement Leave Policy for Grieving Students, Angela Brock


May 6, 2024 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution to Form Task Force to Consider Strategies for Supporting Students with Caregiving Responsibilities, Angela Brock


May 6, 2024 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution to Revise Grade Appeals Policy, Angela Brock


May 6, 2024 - Passed - F&F - Resolution to Modify Faculty Handbook Language Regarding Section II J, Angela Brock


May 6, 2024 - Passed- PRC - Resolution to Edit Handbook Grievance Section and Change CPEC to a University PEC, Angela Brock


May 6, 2024 - Passed - PRC - Resolution to Revise the Faculty Handbook to Permit a Transitional Retirement Policy, Angela Brock


March 4, 2024 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution Establishing Definitions Related to Distance Education, Angela Brock


March 4, 2024 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution for Defining the Meaning of Credit Hour, Angela Brock


March 4, 2024 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution on Guidelines for Bilateral Articulation Agreements and Workforce Development, Angela Brock


March 4, 2024 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution on Guidelines for Bilateral Articulation Agreements and Workforce Development, Angela Brock


March 4, 2024 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution on Updating Guidelines on the Use of Credit for Prior Learning Assessment Portfolios and Academic Credit, Angela Brock


March 4, 2024 - Passed - PRC - Resolution to Revise the Faculty Handbook to Update Language on Clinical Faculty, Angela Brock


March 4, 2024 - Passed - Promotion and Tenure - Resolution (SOS) to Support Equitable Promotion and/or Tenure, Angela Brock


February 12, 2024 - Passed - P&T - Resolution to Change University-Level Promotion and/orTenure Requirements, Angela Brock


January 22, 2024 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution to Assign UCC Co-Curricular Definition, Angela Brock


January 22, 2024 - Passed - P&T - Resolution to Change University-Level Promotion and/or Tenure Requirements, Angela Brock

Submissions from 2023


December 4, 2023 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution Modifying Handbook Language About Instructional Evaluations, Angela Brock


November 6, 2023 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution Concerning Graduate Council Membership, Angela Brock


November 6, 2023 - Passed - EPSA - Resolution Concerning University Curriculum Council Membership, Angela Brock


October 9, 2023 - Passed - Exec - Resolution to Revise the Faculty Handbook as Required by Changes in Title IX, Angela Brock


October 9, 2023 - Passed - PRC - Resolution Changing the Handbook Language Regarding Parental Leave, Angela Brock


September 11, 2023 - First Reading - PRC- Resolution Changing Handbook Language Regarding Parental Leave, Angela Brock


September 11, 2023 - Passed - Exec - Resolution to Revise the Faculty Handbook Required by Changes in Title IX, Angela Brock


September 11, 2023 - Passed - Executive Committee - Resolution to Revise the Faculty Handbook as Required by Changes in Title IX, Angela Brock


May 8, 2023 - EPSA- Resolution Adding Handbook Language Implementing the Testing Your Faith Act, Angela Brock


May 8, 2023 - Passed - PRC - Resolution to Clarify Policy on Academic Employee Registration for Graduate Degrees, Angela Brock


April 3, 2023 - First Reading - Resolution Adding Handbook Language Implementing the Testing Your Faith Act, Ohio University Faculty Senate


April 3, 2023 - Passed - F&F - Sense of the Senate Resolution to Acknowledge Wage Deterioration and Promote Wage Transparency with Friendly Amendment, Ohio University Faculty Senate


April 3, 2023 - Passed - Resolution to Modify Faculty Handbook Language Regarding Section III Group Benefits Section, Ohio University Faculty Senate


April 3, 2023 - Second Reading - F&F - Resolution to Modify Faculty Handbook Language Regarding Section III Group Benefits Section, Ohio University Faculty Senate


April 3, 2023 - Second Reading - F&F - Sense of the Senate Resolution to Acknowledge Wage Deterioration and Promote Wage Transparency, Ohio University Faculty Senate


April 3, 2023 - Second Reading - UCC Policy on Certificate Language, Ohio University Faculty Senate


April 3, 2023 - Second Reading - UCC Policy on Certificate Language, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 6, 2023 - First Reading - EPSA - Resolution To Add Required Syllabus Language in Response to Testing Your Faith Act, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 6, 2023 - First Reading - EPSA - Resolution to Change the Current Faculty Handbook Policy on the Timeline of Final Grade Appeals, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 6, 2023 - First Reading - F&F - Resolution to Modify Faculty Handbook Language Regarding Section III Group Benefits Section, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 6, 2023 - First Reading - F&F - Sense of the Senate Resolution to Acknowledge Wage Deterioration and Promote Wage Transparency, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 6, 2023 - Second Reading - P&T - Resolution to Remove Outdated P&T Language from the Faculty Handbook, Ohio University Faculty Senate


February 6, 2023 - First Reading - Resolution to Remove Outdated Language from Handbook, Ohio University Faculty Senate


February 6, 2023 - Second Reading - Resolution to Amend the Acceptance of D grades for Transfer Students, Ohio University Faculty Senate

Submissions from 2022


December 12, 2022 - Passed - Resolution to Endorse the Project Report Conceptualizing Teaching Excellence at Ohio University, Ohio University Faculty Senate


Decemeber 12, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Amend the Acceptance of D grades for Transfer Students to include Out-Of-State and Independent Instituttions, Ohio University Faculty Senate


November 7, 2022 - First Reading - FS Exec Comm - Resolution to Endorse the Project Report Conceptualizing Teaching Excellence at Ohio University, Ohio University Faculty Senate


November 7, 2022 - PRC Resolution to Clarify Grievance Procedures Second Reading, Ohio University Faculty Senate


November 7, 2022 - Second Reading - FS Exec Comm - Resolution to update the parliamentary authority governing Faculty Senate, Ohio University Faculty Senate


October 10, 2022 - Approved - FS Exec Comm - TLA Teaching Excellence Resolution and Report, Ohio University Faculty Senate


October 10, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to revise language about eligibility for the University Professor Award, Ohio University Faculty Senate


October 10, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to update the parliamentary authority governing Faculty Senate, Ohio University Faculty Senate


October 10, 2022 - PRC-RS1-Resolution to Clarify Grievance Procedures, Ohio University Faculty Senate


June 26, 2022 - Executive Committee - Interdisciplinary and Cross Departmental Hires, Angela Brock


May 2, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Update Policy on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct, Ohio University Faculty Senate


May 2, 2022 - First Reading - Sense of the Senate Resolution: Ohio University Textbook Auto Adoption Policy, Ohio University Faculty Senate


May 2, 2022 - Second Reading - Resolution to Allow Accelerated Graduate Pathways and Early Admission to Non-Degree Graduate Programs, Ohio University Faculty Senate


May 2, 2022 - Third Reading - Resolution to Clarify Differential Workload Distributions for RHE Faculty in the Faculty Handbook, Ohio University Faculty Senate


April 4, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Allow Accelerated Graduate Pathways and Early Admission to Non-Degree Graduate Programs, Ohio University Faculty Senate


April 4, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Re-Clarify the Composition of Department and School Promotion and Tenure Documents Under One OHIO, Ohio University Faculty Senate


April 4, 2022 - Second Reading - Resolution to Clarify Differential Workload Distributions for RHE Faculty in the Faculty Handbook, Ohio University Faculty Senate


April 4, 2022 - Second Reading - Resolution to Clarify Faculty Handbook Language regarding “Course” and “Class”, Ohio University Faculty Senate


April 4, 2022 - Second Reading - Resolution to Clarify Grievance Procedures, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 14, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Clarify Differential Workload Distributions for RHE Faculty in the Faculty Handbook, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 14, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Clarify Faculty Handbook Language regarding “Course” and “Class”, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 14, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Clarify Grievance Procedures, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 14, 2022 - Second Reading - EPSA Resolution Certificate Policy Amendment, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 14, 2022 - Second Reading - P&T Resolution to Clarify Departmental and School Expectations for Promotion and Tenure Under One OHIO, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 14, 2022 - Second Reading - P&T Resolution to Clarify Meaning of Inadequate Consideration, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 14, 2022 - Second Reading - P&T Resolution to Clarify the Composition of Department and School Promotion and Tenure Documents Under One OHIO, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 14, 2022 - Second Reading - Resolution to Amend Undergraduate Certificate Description and Requirements, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 14, 2022 - Second Reading - Resolution to Clarify Handbook Language for Dean Evaluations, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 14, 2022 - Second Reading - Resolution to Establish a Leave of Absence Policy for Ph.D., Ed.D., and M.F.A. Students, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 14, 2022 - Second Reading - Resolution to Establish a Limit on Ph.D. Transfer Credit, Ohio University Faculty Senate


March 14, 2022 - Second Reading - Resolution to Remove Early Retirement Policy Language, Ohio University Faculty Senate


February 7, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Amend Undergraduate Certificate Description and Requirements, Ohio University Faculty Senate


February 7, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Clarify Departmental and School Expectations for Promotion and Tenure Under One OHIO, Ohio University Faculty Senate


February 7, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Clarify Meaning of Inadequate Consideration, Ohio University Faculty Senate


February 7, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Clarify the Composition of Department and School Promotion and Tenure Documents Under One OHIO, Ohio University Faculty Senate


February 7, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Establish a Leave of Absence Policy for Ph.D., Ed.D., and M.F.A. Students, Ohio University Faculty Senate


February 7, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Remove Early Retirement Policy Language, Ohio University Faculty Senate


February 7, 2022 - First Reading - Resolution to Require Continuous Enrollment for Ph.D., Ed.D., and M.F.A. Students, Ohio University Faculty Senate


February 7, 2022 - Second Reading - Resolution on Multi-Year Contracts for Instructional Faculty, Ohio University Faculty Senate


February 7, 2022 - Second Reading - Resolution to Clarify Handbook Language for Dean Evaluations, Ohio University Faculty Senate


February 7, 2022 - Second Reading - Sense of the Senate Resolution on Instructional Faculty Renewal, Ohio University Faculty Senate


January 24, 2022 - Fourth Reading - Resolution on Policies on Leadership Searches, Ohio University Faculty Senate

Submissions from 2021


December 13, 2021 - First Reading - Resolution on Multi-Year Contracts for Instructional Faculty, Ohio University Faculty Senate


December 13, 2021 - First Reading - Resolution to Clarify University Faculty Fellowship Leaves, Ohio University Faculty Senate


December 13, 2021 - First Reading - Sense of the Senate Resolution on Instructional Faculty Renewal, Ohio University Faculty Senate


December 13, 2021 - Second Reading (formerly tabled) - Resolution on Policies on Leadership Searches, Ohio University Faculty Senate


December 13, 2021 - Third Reading - Sense of the Senate Resolution on the Inclusion of Bonuses in Contracts, Ohio University Faculty Senate


October 22, 2021 - Second Reading - Sense of the Senate Resolution on Changing the Management Structure of the Chief Financial Officer Position, Ohio University Faculty Senate


October 22, 2021 - Second Reading - Sense of the Senate Resolution?on the Inclusion of Bonuses in Contracts, Ohio University Faculty Senate


October 20, 2021 - Second Reading - Resolution on Policies on Leadership Searches, Ohio University Faculty Senate


October 4, 2021 - First Reading - Resolution Clarifying Next Step to be Taken After an Affirmative Decision Made by the Standing Committee on P&T Regarding a P&T Appeal, Ohio University Faculty Senate


October 4, 2021 - Passed - Resolution to Change the Faculty Handbook to Allow Online or Hybrid Meetings and Voting, Ohio University Faculty Senate


September 13, 2021 - First Reading - Resolution on Policies on Leadership Searches, Ohio University Faculty Senate


September 13, 2021 - First Reading - Resolution to?Change the Faculty Handbook to Allow Online or Hybrid Meetings and Voting, Ohio University Faculty Senate


September 13, 2021 - Resolution to?Change the Faculty Handbook to Allow Virtual or Hybrid Meetings and Voting, Ohio University Faculty Senate


May 3, 2021 - Approved - Resolution to Form a Committee Charged with Reviewing and Changing the Scheduling Process for Regional Campus Course Offerings, Ohio University Faculty Senate