
Online Journal of Space Communication


This paper presents an overview of the Moving Mapp and Situational Awareness capabilities of the Defense Advanced GPS Receiver (DAGR) military handheld GPS receiver (refer to Figure 1), and how these capabilities can be utilized for other applications. The paper first presents an overview of situational awareness and moving maps as provided by handheld GPS receivers, factors driving the DAGR's requirements, and the requirements themselves.

This paper presents the system design in a two-part approach corresponding to the two primary components of the system: 1) importing digital map products into the DAGR and 2) displaying moving maps and situational awareness on the DAGR's display. A significant driver to the design is the requirement to import and display both vector map products and raster map products. The design also needs to allow the use of specialized digital map data, created by the Military's Geospatial Engineers, containing real-time intelligence information and tailored to contain information relevant to a particular mission. The design also provides the ability to import nongeospatial images to allow digital images to be utilized in the field for assistance in identification (e.g. photo of target) or mission operation (e.g. floor plans of a building). The suitability of the ArcMapTM component of the Commercial Joint Mapping Toolkit (C/JMTK) in this design is also presented. This paper concludes with an overview from the user's point of view of the operation of importing digital maps (pre-mission) into the DAGR and using moving map and situational awareness on the DAGR. The overview will also contain a discussion noting some of the possible ways the mapping capabilities can be used by other applications (e.g. adding a survey marker layer to a vector map product) or can be integrated with other systems (e.g. FBCB2/BFT).

Reprinted with permission from The Institute of Navigation (http://ion.org/) and The Proceedings of the 18th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, (pp. 322-332). Fairfax, VA: The Institute of Navigation.



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